Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Amazon Sea Foods Restaurant Group Inc respects the privacy of every individual who visits our website. It is our policy not to distribute, sell, rent or in any way make available, your name, e-mail address or any other personally identifiable information to any third party. This policy provides our customers with information about how we use information we gather online. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully to learn more about the ways in which we use and protect your personal information. By visiting our website, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

Trademark Information

Legal Sea Foods Restaurant Group Inc owns the trademarks Legal Sea Foods and its logos used within this website.

Copyright Information

Everything you see or read on this website is copyrighted and may not be used for anything other than personal and non-commercial use without the prior written permission of Legal Sea Foods Restaurant Group Inc. The copyrights are owned by Legal Sea Foods Restaurant Group Inc. Please note that if you modify or use the materials on this website for any purpose other than personal use, you will be violating the intellectual property rights of Legal Sea Foods Restaurant Group Inc.

All other intellectual property rights associated with this website are the sole and exclusive property of Legal Sea Foods Restaurant Group Inc. Legal Sea Foods Restaurant Group Inc does not grant you any rights in or to such intellectual property except as expressly provided herein.

Types of Information We Collect

In general, you can visit our website without telling us who you are or revealing any personally identifiable information about yourself.

  • If you voluntarily provide us with personally identifying information, such as your name, address/location information, email address, phone number, and birth date, we will collect that information along with any other information you voluntarily provide.
  • When you participate in site features we may use the personally identifiable information you provide through those features in the following ways: enable your access to and use of the website services; personalize products and services for you; send you products that you purchase; supply services that you purchase or request; send you statements and invoices; send you email notifications of promotions and services; and send you marketing and employment communications.
  • We may store and process that information to better understand your needs and how we can improve our products and services, and we may communicate with you via e-mail or postal mail.

Aggregate Information

  • In addition to obtaining your personal information, Legal Sea Foods Restaurant Group Inc also gathers tracking information such as your IP address, browser type, and most popular Web pages visited. We use the aggregate information to better serve you by continually improving the content of our Web site. None of the information collected by a cookie is personally identifiable, i.e., does not contain your name, address, email address, etc.
  • We may operate a version of our website specifically designed to work with mobile devices.  The mobile website and our application may include a feature that uses geographic location information provided by your mobile device to identify stores in your vicinity.

Third Parties

In order to serve you, we share your Personal Information with service providers or third parties that perform functions on our behalf.

  • We may share your personal information with vendors or third parties who provide services to us, such as fulfilling orders, facilitating reservations, providing data processing and other information technology services, managing promotions, managing any rewards programs, surveys, contests, prize draws and sweepstakes, carrying out research and analysis, and personalizing individual Legal Sea Foods customer experiences. We do not allow these vendors to use this information or to share it for any purpose other than as allowed by law or to provide services on our behalf or on an aggregated basis for statistical, benchmarking, or other analytical services.
  • As permitted by law, we also share information collected about you with companies with whom we have formal agreements to conduct analysis, engage in customer research, benchmarking, and to improve our products or services.
  • We may, for strategic or other business reasons, decide to sell or transfer all or part of our business. As part of that sale or transfer, we may pass information we have collected and stored, including personal information, to anyone involved in the sale or transfer.

Compliance With Laws

We may disclose your Personal Information and other information to third parties, including governmental authorities, to comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or enforceable governmental request, or if we believe in good faith that such disclosure is necessary to protect against harm to the rights, property or safety of Legal Sea Foods, our customers, or the public as required or permitted by law (especially in emergency situations).

Online Behavioral Advertising (OBA) on Third Party Sites

There are three ways we use OBA on third party websites and mobile apps that are not affiliated with Legal Sea Foods.

Interest‐Based Advertising

The third parties we contract with may use cookies or other technologies to gather interest-based information to customize the ads you see. This information may be combined and linked with data from other sources. Neither the third parties nor Legal Sea Foods collects any personally information (PI) through these cookies. We may also use aggregate data to display ads or content that may interest you.

Device-Based Advertising

We may also use device information, particularly in mobile advertising, to help deliver our ads and measure ad campaign effectiveness. Amazon Sea Foods and the companies we work with may collect some certain information when you visit one of our sites or see our ads. Compiling and comparing this information creates a unique ID for individual devices and can be “matched” to the same information on other sites or mobile applications. Some companies we work with are also able to associate related devices into households based on common characteristics, such as IP addresses.

Do Not Track Signals

We do not respond to Web browser “Do Not Track” signals at this time. To prevent us or third parties from tracking, you can access your browser settings and disable or delete your cookies.

E-mail Communications

To help us make e-mails more useful and interesting, we often receive a confirmation when you open e-mail from if your computer supports such capabilities. If you do not want to receive e-mails from us, please open a recent email from us, and in the footer choose “unsubscribe”.

Does Legal Sea Foods Restaurant Group Inc Share the Information It Receives?

  • We use the personally identifiable information you provide for internal purposes, such as confirming and tracking your order, registration, analyzing trends and statistics, informing you of our new products, services and offers, and providing you with information from and about Legal Sea Foods Restaurant Group Inc. From time to time we might establish a business relationship with other persons or entities whom we believe trustworthy and whom we have asked to confirm that their privacy policies are consistent with ours. In such cases we might share and cross-reference information, including personally identifiable information about you that will enable such persons or entities to contact you regarding products and services that may be of interest to you.
  • Protection of and Others: We release account and other personal information when we believe release is appropriate to comply with the law; or protect the rights, property, or safety of, our users, or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organizations for fraud protection and credit risk reduction. Obviously, however, this does not include selling, renting, sharing, or otherwise disclosing personally identifiable information from customers for commercial purposes in violation of the commitments set forth in this Privacy Notice.

What Choices Do I Have?

You can always choose not to provide information, even though it might be needed to make a purchase or to take advantage of features.

  • When you update information, we usually keep a copy of the prior version for our records.
  • If you do not want to receive e-mail or other mail from us, please adjust your Preferences. (If you do not want to receive legal notices from us, such as this Privacy Notice, those notices will still govern your use of, and it is your responsibility to review them for changes.)
  • The Help portion of the toolbar on most browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, or how to disable cookies altogether.

Children does not sell products for purchase by children. If you are under 18, you may use only with the involvement of a parent or guardian.

Children’s Online Policy Act (COPPA)

Legal Sea Foods Restaurant Group Inc has no intention of collecting any personally identifiable information (name, address, telephone number, birth date, or e-mail address) from individuals under 13 years of age. If a child has provided us with personally identifiable information, a parent or guardian of that child should contact us at the e-mail address or phone number listed at the bottom of this Statement if they would like this information deleted from our records. We will use reasonable efforts to delete the child’s information from our existing files.

Conditions of Use, Notices, and Revisions

If you choose to visit, your visit and any dispute over privacy is subject to this Notice, including limitations of damages, arbitration of disputes, and application of the law in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. If you have any concern about privacy at Legal Sea Foods Restaurant Group Inc, please contact us and give us a thorough description, and we will try to resolve it.

Our business changes constantly and our Privacy Notice will change also. We may e-mail periodic reminders of our notices and conditions, unless you have instructed us not to, but you should check our website frequently to see recent changes. Unless stated otherwise, our current Privacy Notice applies to all information that we have about you and your account. We stand behind the promises we make, however, and will never materially change our policies and practices to make them less protective of customer information collected in the past without the consent of affected customers.




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